6: Why both the small intestine and Sanjiao channels govern the ear diseases? Why the indications of those two channels are similar?

Small intestine channel travels toward the head region. It passes the neck and lateral head, enters the ears and terminates at facial region. It is effective in treating febrile or blood-congestion diseases in those regions. It is particularly effective in treating ear diseases. Needling points of the small intestine will unobstruct the ears and benefit the orifices, mainly treat tinnitus, and weak of hearing. Points selected for those problems are Tingguon (SI19), Wanshunyi (22.08) and Wanshuner (22.09) or (SI3, and SI4).

Hand Tai Yang governs the “humor (ye)” related disease. The described indications related to the above quote are deafness, yellowing of the eyes, swelling of the cheek, pain in the neck, submandibular region, shoulder, upper arm, elbow and posterior aspect of the forearm. Several Tung’s extraordinary points that are located on the small intestine channel such as Yenhuang (11.23) (eye yellow) treats yellowish eyes; Wanshuner (22.09) Changmen (33.10) (intestine gate) and Ganmen (33.11 (liver gate) all treat liver diseases (including yellowish eyes). Wanshunyi and Wanshuner are also essential points for treating tinnitus.

Hand Shao Yang governs the “qi” related diseases. The exterior channel diseases of Sanjiao include deafness, swelling of the throat, throat bi, (abnormal) perspiration, and pain in the outer and inner canthus. Sanjiao channel travels along the upper limb and the lateral head. Most tinnitus and deafness are caused by qi deficiency or qi obstruction. Clinically the points of Sanjiao channel are often selected to treat tinnitus and deafness. For example, Zhongzhu (SJ3) in the fourteen-channels or Zhongbai and Xiabai in Tung’s acupuncture are essential points in treating tinnitus and deafness. Blood-letting (pricking) Guanchong (SJ1), the Jing-well point of the Sanjiao channel, to treat swollen throat and throat obstruction is very effective.

Sanjiao channel travels along the upper limb toward the upper ankle of the ear (behind the ear), to the cheeks and infraorbital regions. It treats pains located on the frontal head, lateral head, chest, ribs, and upper limbs. Because Sanjiao channel is yang channel, it mainly treats febrile diseases or blood-congested disorders located in the ears, nose, throat and facial regions. The indications are similar to those of the large intestine and small intestine channels. Sanjiao, large intestine, and small intestine channels have many in common. Sanjiao and small intestine channel are very alike particularly the point locations. Both channels are fire channels and hold the same position related to the monarch fire and prime minister fire. Their indications are alike too.